Sunday, October 7, 2012

Manga girl tutorial

Hello guys! I will finally take up the task to bring out my (now old and horrible) tutorial-thingys for mangas :D I'm really bad at explaining, I'm so sorry!
Well, atleast the pictures are there. It's mostly those you learn from... Right?

-Also, excuse me for my typos and spelling mistakes. 
I'm really tired /:-
-This tutorial thing is 2/3 months old. I've improved heaps, and changed my style of drawing too, so upcoming tutorials will either be with the new style or in this old and horrible style xD-
First draw some guidelines.
These lines will help you deside where bodyparts will be, the length of limbs and such.
They're always good to use :)
They don't need to be perfect. They're just for the base.
-For some reason, you can't click this picture to see it larger-

Now to put real body on those lines.
Girls bodies often have a curved-in back, to make them more 'feminim' I don't know...
Well they have way more curves than guys atleast xD
Oh God I'm bad at explaining...
Honestly I'm very tired.. Oh well.. Back to the topic!
Just look at the picture for guiding please :)
Add facial details and hair. Gosh I fail so much at explaining.... 
Just look at the picture D: 
A tutorial for this hair should be up later when I'm not too busy/lazy/tired.                         
You should be able to enlarge them by clicking. 
Give the character some clothes.
At the time where I did this one, I really failed at clothing.
Oh well. Clothes layers in funny ways and can be rather problematic.
It takes time and effort to master, so don't give up if it looks bad the first 2356 times :P
humhum... Describtion.... Tutoring... I.. er... We move on.
Now for finelining/inking!
I really enjoy this part for some reason.
Here you draw up what you want to keep of your drawing, so you can erase the pencils.
Finelining/inking is sorta like drawing up with a pen/a permanent mini-marker xD
Google fineliner if you dont know what it is.
Now to erase the pencilmarks.
The inking might fade a little.If so, just draw it up again where needed.

Color time!
I usually start off with the skin, because that's the palest color.
Then I work my way to the darker colors.
To get the color darker, make several layers, aka.
Color over the already colored area, making it darker, shading :)

For color, I use Promarkers by Letraset.
For hair, on this one which is a rather old drawing, I've changed my style a lot since,I started with one layer of a light yellow (Because that was the only yellow I had... Shhh)
and added several layers. Also leaving a white spot for highlights in ther hair :)
Color her pants.
Start off with your "brightest" gray and add several layers,
or, use a darker gray marker.
Do not use black, or.. Well, thats not up to me to decide, black just doesn't blend that good :P
The shirt is just a purple, with a second layer to add a shadow effect.
Now, for the last part, add detail.
Color her eyes, and use a gellpen to add highlights to hair and clothes.
I also gave her a small chain for her pants with the gell.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Study.... No thanks.

You know how exams are coming up now right? It sucks.
I'm personally studying for math and recieved stricht orders "NO COMPUTER" while studying.
Such a rebel.
Like the Green Day song. Anyone Green Day fans? Love them ^^
Anyway, here's a small drawing of my OC Kimberly Eckstein, which I made in spanish class :)
Note: One of my guy friends almost drooled over her e___e Freak.

So I should be getting back to my math. 
Or, I could continue spamming my facebook friends with Sims Social stuff.
I guess it'll be the Sims Social stuff. Math is boring as hell xD

Friday, May 4, 2012


So, to make you all understand the future characters who'll be uploaded, I decided to upload this "collage" thing :)
Each character represent atleast SOMETHING about me. I dont even know.. e__e

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Getting a hang of it

I see Blogger just upgraded their look.
I am slightly unsatisfied. But I guess you just need to learn how it works..
Anyway, Ive created a new blog! (5th or something????) and this SHOULD be slightly serious. Lol yes, just slightly.
I will post my art, sketches, comics, random links and other uninteresting stuff. ENJOY!

Dinner now.